コード WL36-01
系列 英語英文学専攻(修士課程)
授業科目 言語学澳门黄金城赌城,黄金城电子游戏Ⅰ-1
副題 (The Linguistic Sign)
担当者 GATER W.
単位 2
期?曜時 前期 月4
対象学年 学部4年生も可

 This course will examine the linguistic sign in its many manifestations. We will begin with the theoretical ideas of C.S. Peirce and Ferdinand de Saussure. The course will concentrate on the linguistic aspects of the sign as well as its application in psychology.
 oral presentation and/or research paper
 selected handouts
 von Bertalanffy: Psychology and the Symbol.
 C. G. Jung: Psyche and Symbol.
Introduction to the semantic aspects of the sign.

The linguistic sign in the theory of C.S. Peirce:
the index, the icon and the symbol.

The modern and postmodern use of the icon.

The linguistic sign in the theory of Ferdinand de Saussure.

Symbols of flora and fauna

Symbols of colours.

Punning symbols.

The symbols of heraldry and of state.

Psychology and the symbol.

The concept of the Archetype.

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